Dr. Ronald Sungu


Contact: sungusungu@tukenya.ac.ke

The global water crisis is mainly a crisis of governance. Water resource is a limited resource that must be managed for the benefit of people and the environment in the present and for the future. Water resources therefore need to be managed in a holistic way. The principles of good water governance comprise mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences in relation to water resources.

It is therefore important to create an enabling environment that facilitates effective public and private sector initiatives, regulatory regime that allows for transparency, and shared responsibilities for safeguarding water resources.

The IWRM Centre will be actively involved in collaboration and networking, providing knowledge through research and training as well as providing analytical support to advocacy campaigns for good water governance. Through its activities, the Centre will help improve the governance in the water sector so as to catalyse the much needed investments to expand water services to manage and conserve water resources and to protect the environment. As a centre of excellence, the Centre for IWRM will make contributions to water policy making at various levels through research and outreach activities. The centre will offer training on the principles of good governance to both academia and the stakeholders of the IWRM at country/county and regional levels.


Centre For Integrated Water and Resource Management | Technical University of Kenya.

Developed by DICTS